Word DNA Online

Eating Jesus: A Major Breakthrough in God-DNA Transfer!


Jesus defined DNA transfer in unequivocal terms. He said, "This is the truth: unless you eat me (my flesh) and drink my blood, you have no life in you," (Jn6.53). Jesus declared that God-DNA transfer is a must; it's not anymore an option. Without the Jesus-DNA there's no way to access the glorious inheritance with him. And the mechanics here is eating Jesus and drinking his blood. In case smart theologians would say this is not literal, watch this: "My flesh is real food; my blood is real drink."

And here's the DNA concept: "If you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you remain in me, and I in you." Each spiritual Jesus DNA cell in our body assures the accurate and faithful reproduction of the Jesus life, Jesus character, Jesus power, and Jesus ministry in us. This literally puts Jesus permanently and wholly in our bodies, and our bodies in him. That's being one DNA with Jesus and God.

So how do we eat Jesus? "The one who feeds on me lives because of me." Our "Oxygen" literally becomes Jesus. Jesus is the Word spoken from the lips of the Father. Jesus is the breath of the Father through the Holy Spirit.  God's breath produces Life that bears the very image and likeness of God. Whomever God breathes on, his perfect image and likeness get transfered to him or her. This happened to Adam in Eden. It can and is happening now. As many as receive God's breath and spoken Word (Jesus), to them gave he the power to become sons and daughters of God!

The DNA transfer is so pronounced that Jesus assures "Whoever has faith in me will do the same things I have been doing." It's worthy to highlight the words "the same things," coming from someone who we know releases words in perfection and truthfulness. No word that proceeds out of his mouth is ever spoken in jest or done lightly. Every word from his mouth has tremendous weight of truth and finality. We can do "the same things" in faithful detail not becasue we're good but due to the DNA transfer. Because we have the Jesus DNA in us, it is Jesus doing it, not us.

Finally, the phrase "Will do the same things" defines what faith is to Jesus. He stressed that "Anyone who has faith..." will do nothing but his power life, character, love, and ministry--accurately and supernaturally. Any ministry doing otherwise is a hoax.

Only the Jesus DNA can assure of a Jesus life reproduction with ultra precision.

The Name is the DNA

""Holy Father, give them protection by your powerful name--the same name you gave me--to make them one like we are one. I kept them protected by that name while I was with them. " - Jn.17

In the physical, our DNA cells store genetic instructions and information. Experts dub it the "code of life." If your name is Charles, each of your DNA cell stores complete and accurate information about the true Charles. The DNA has the complete manual and details in case you decide to create another Charles. God programmed our bodies to have trillions of cells to make sure the unique individual "Charles" lives and grows accurately, as God has designed him, with all the ancestral information details stored intact. The whole truth of your identity is in your DNA. This is how your DNA protects you.

DNA tests have established undeniable and uncontested truth in courts, putting complex identity cases to rest. No one can argue against what DNA tests show, not even the best lawyer in the world, not even the devil's best advocate. Our individual identity is the best possession we have and among the best gifts of God. There's a constant need to protect it so it can give us good protection in turn. Thus, it is not good to be enslaved by anyone because slavery mars our unique individuality. Freedom feeds our true identity. If you're going to be ensalved by anyone, make sure it is God. True freedom is being a slave to righteousness--to God.

God's DNA Establishes Identity and Covering Protection

In the spirit, we get real and powerful protection solely through the Name. The Name alone can establish our true identity in the spirit realm. Because it has been the Name of God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from everlasting to everlasting, it has been "fully tested" and fully authorized and acknowledged in the spirit world. Identity alone protects you in the spirit. The question always is, who's are you? Your church attendance, involvement, membership, activeness, position, etc. never matter in the spirit world.

The demon in Acts said, "Paul I know and Jesus I know, but who are you?" when it was confronted by the sons of Sceva the priest. How well you memorize bible verses or how many times you have read the bible from cover to cover or how well you sing worship songs (though these are very good and helpful spiritually) cannot protect you from spiritual attacks. Your identity in Jesus by faith alone can. Your identity in the Name. Because the Name is God's DNA. If you have the DNA and are so good with the bible and worship, so much the better! But without the Jesus DNA, all your bible study and worship and prayer efforts are nothing, zero, pfft! And many in church today, even active ones and workers and leaders, do not have that DNA!

The Name is God's Nature

In the Old Testament, God's name carried his nature. Jehovah Jireh, for instance, carried his nature of an abundant supplier. Jehovah Shalom meant he authored peace. Hence, God's DNA is a complete record of his spiritual genetic nature. When we assume the Name or are baptized into the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, it means we get the Jesus DNA, God's nature. It should follow that Jesus must manifest in our bodies, too. Jesus is the image of the invisible God. You get Jesus in you, you also reflect the image of the invisible God in you through Jesus.

Baptism is not just a ritual for local church membership. First and foremost, it is being initiated into the Jesus DNA. It means the DNA is initializing spiritual propagation process into the trillions of cells in our bodies. It means a Jesus take-over is well underway. Thus, the fruit must manifest. Without the fruit, the baptism is null, void, zero, nothing, pfft! If you're still very much the old self you were one or five or ten years ago--in fact, if you are still the same person you were yesterday or an hour ago, the Jesus DNA may not be in you. The Jesus DNA is alive and active, sharper than any two edged sword. It penetrates even to the division between soul and spirit. See? It's impossible not to be changed by so powerful and dynamic a Kingdom force. That DNA dramatically stirred unseen elements from without to produce the enormous universe that is. If you will the Will, YOU WILL BE CHANGED radically, from ever-increasing glory! The answer is simple: you're not changed because you don't have yet the Jesus DNA. Why don't you have the DNA yet? Because you stubbornly refuse to will the Will. And chances are, you're still denominational, right? You're still a denominational church member. That and the Jesus DNA are contrary to each other. Why? read on...

The DNA creates perfect Unity among Believers: A Single Indentity (Thus Denominations are Demonic)

Jesus' awesome prayer in Jn.17 says the Name is also designed to create a single body. That single identity is the protection. The more believers are perfectly one in Christ, the more awesome, powerful, and authoritative is the protection. Such is the nature of the Name, the DNA. Thus, as long as denominations exist, pronounicng differing denominational doctrines and propagating men's empires, that protection can never come full bloom. Believers shall always be exposed naked to demonic attacks. This explains the scandalous corruption, immorality, immaturity, and impurity in most churches, though they try hard to project a synthetic immaculate image. They have committees for covering up these scandals. They talk about God, ministry, his words, and devotion like they're really his. And the times they talk about their scandalous church problems in board meetings, they say the problems are "natural"church features--that's part of the cover-up. They keep reiterating that there is no perfect church.

What is being one in Christ? the Master said it is being one as the Father and Son are one. That means perfect and absolute oneness in Christ. That means denominations must be demolished pronto so the true one body of Jesus can start operating full swing. The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit have no differing doctrines. They all believe in eternal security, holiness, and using all the spiritual gifts. Jesus said, "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." There are no denominations in heaven, so it should be so now on earth. It is a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle. It is a perfect church.

It works like this: the church must be in the light. If it is, the light must constantly expose it. There should be no cover-ups. All sins and problems must be exposed to the light. Only when exposed to the light are they remedied. That's why God exposed all the sins and shameful ways of his people, his anointed ones, and his church in public. We read about them even today. The details are open for the world to see. There was never an attempt at any cover-up. The Jesus and God DNA thrives only in the light. Perfection is constant exposure to Light. Anyone with Christ's DNA stays in the Light to be fully exposed spiritually, and in public.

Watch this Jesus DNA principle: "Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light. He fears his deeds will be exposed. Whoever lives in truth comes into the light. He likes it made plain that what he has done has been done through God." (Jn.3).

Identity alone is the recognized protection in the spirit realm. Identity in Christ is through his DNA alone. And his DNA manifests Jesus Christ fully in us--like a bright light.

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Wealth Transfer is a special event the bible says will take place in the last days for Kingdom building. Since the church is not yet capable of handling God's gold (the church is likely to use it to build its own human denominations) wealth transfer is yet dormant. But it will soon activate in God's timing. And you can start preparing for it NOW. Sow now to expect a harvest soon. 

The Acts church sold not just their properties but also their "goods" (they were doing a business) so that "no one among them was in need" and "they gave to anyone who had need." They NEVER solicited or begged. Your church can have a business today.