Word DNA Online

Spirit Duplication: A Timeless Kingdom Technology

God alone can do God's work accurately. Jesus alone can set up the Kingdom on earth. The flesh (or whatever man can do and has) counts for nothing, zero, pfft! Thus, God's spiritual DNA should be transferred from person to person. This worked in the Old Testament, though yet in a limited sense. God poured a measure of his Spirit on his people, but it was not an indwelling impartation. Jesus did not live in their bodies. The Jesus DNA was not yet fully in its duplicating work---the grand and powerful work of replicating the very Jesus love, life, character, power, and minstry in each individual believer. "Many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not," said the Master in the Gospel. What we see in the Old Testament were shadows of the reality that are in Christ. Though mere shadows, they nonetheless teach us vital DNA propagation principles. Thus, as early as Genesis, we see spirit duplication in operation. It all started in Eden.

Adam Created in God's Image

To get the power for dominion and control over all creation, you have to have God's spiritual DNA. God set this technology to work. He knew that only his DNA can perform the work of policing and propagating creation.

Adam enjoyed the initial DNA process. But having God's DNA does not immunize from temptation and sin. It is powerful, yet it leaves us accountable for making choices and options---especially for those who are not yet fully in the Jesus DNA duplication process, like Adam was.

Jesus was tempted but did not sin. Adam was tempted and sinned. The moment he laid eyes on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he opted for man's DNA. God's plan was for him to eat from the tree of Life (because Jesus is the Life). Adam would have gotten deeper into the DNA process had he eaten continually from the tree of Life. But he chose man's perfect DNA instead.

Adam was created perfect, but God's work is sustainable not in perfect humanity but in perfect Christ-likeness. When he was created in God's very image and likeness, Adam was molded by God (but not indwelled with God) with God's own hands to have what God had planned for man---God's gift of perfection in the earthly realm. Yet, Jesus was not in him, and it made all the difference. Jesus said, "Without me you can do nothing," though you may be perfect by earthly standards.

The initial Word DNA process needs to be sustained with eating from the tree of Life. Otherwise, we'll just end up like the seed that fell on the path, rocky, or throny grounds. The moment we opt for man's DNA, this happens.

Thus, even perfect man did not suffice. Man failed miserably and scandalously, showing all and sundry the dire need for the Second Adam---and the process by which God's DNA would be reproduced in man and sustained from glory to glory so that man would cease being mere human but be quite a part of God.

Just What is God's DNA?

Among many ways of seeing God's DNA is this: perfection in weakness. Man's strength (his perfection in creation) is his downfall. God had decreed it. Thus, earning titles and degrees through the ways of this world (which seminaries and bible schools follow) is a definite no-no. All human effort in ministry is cursed to fail---though it may look correct and effective.

God's ideal is man heartily acknowledging his weakness and relying 100 percent on God and his supernatural ways. And then fed by the spoken Word---the Word straight from the mouth of God (the process of DNA impartation). We see this Kingdom technology perfectly in Jesus.

Thus far we see, it's not enough to get the good plan of God regarding man's perfection on earth. We must learn how to be perfect spiritually now, ably operating in God's Kingdom, while yet living life on earth. 

Man's Perfection is Never Enough

Yet, notwithstanding the folly of human effort and the failure of human perfection, churches today still prefer man's DNA over God's, like how Adam opted for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruit it produces looks good and always applauded by the world. Yet, it never advances Kingdom building on earth. It only sustains men's empires built using God's name---Babel Towers named after God.

However, we are blessed by the Genesis account of the DNA duplication process by seeing there how important the spiritual DNA principle is. God wants no less than his likeness and image in us. He wants his life reproduced in each of his sons and daughters because things in the Kingdom will work through this system alone. Human DNA, no matter how perfect, will never bring about Kingdom Come.

What If Adam Hadn't Sinned?

What if Adam had not eaten from the tree of knowledge that gave him more of man's DNA? Then, he would have eaten from other trees in Eden, the tree of Life included. Later, Word DNA Online believes, God would have hedged Adam in to eating solely from Life. This would've boosted the Jesus or Life DNA transfer and soon Adam would have advanced further in ever-increasing glory. God's ultimate plan is for us to have the fullness of Christ in complete measure (Eph.4.13).

Now, imagine what this would have done to Adam's offsprings. It would have initialized the propagation of genuine Kingdom sons and daughters and would have abruptly ended the kingdom of evil and demolished Satan to pieces. Armageddon would have started and finished earlier on and complete victory gained for all eternity.

Second Adamic Reign

Nonetheless, this same glorious scenario would powerfully unfold soon, in these last days, through the second Adam's DNA reproduction in our bodies in whole measures. In a sense, God wants Jesus Christ multiplied many times over to replenish earth and have dominion over all creation. These many "Jesuses," as it were, are actually trillions of DNA cells forming one Body on earth. They have one characteristics---Jesus. Each of them has the complete data of Jesus Christ embedded and intact in them, having the full capacity to form Jesus all over again faithfully. The true Jesus as depicted in the bible heads this one Body.

It is amazing to see this one, unique body full of the Jesus DNA in it quietly propagating throughout the world, and yet issuing war calls and trumpets in the heavenlies, sending the enemy scurrying for shelter. 

Christ must be formed in us, so that it's no longer we who live in this bodies of ours, but Christ Jesus. 

  - Article by Word DNA Staff

Abraham DNA in Isaac: Key to Inheritance

Abraham didn't realize that the child born of the promise had to have the right spiritual DNA. He got God's promise but started to work on it with human effort. It was Sarah's bright idea (like it was Eve's bright idea to taste the good and evil fruit).

The couple's plan was to produce the child themselves through Abraham mating their slave, Hagar, and perhaps hopefully expedite the promise. Wow! Pretty much how denominational churches today would also do it!

The result was Ishmael---a classic example of what human DNA can do: rebellious, contrary, and always at war with his brothers. Yet, Ishmael was prolific in achievements---he produced his 12 tribes (Gen.25) long before Jacob did! And with such accomplishment, even denominational churches, if they had existed then, would probably applaud the Ishmaelic success and see wrong in Isaac's and Jacob's dismal slowness and "failure." Denominations and other worldly independent churches base success on things physical.

Ishmaelic Success is also Blessed by God

But the Ishmaelic kind of success is also a result of God's blessing. Hence, people without deep spiritual discernment are easily lured and deceived by it.  To them, as long as a thing is blessed by God, it has his approval. They don't realize that the Word says everyone, including the wicked, is blessed by God.

The Word further says God was with Ishmael as he grew up (Gen.21), and even provided for the well of water that revived mother and child in the desert after they were sent away by Sarah. Thus, in the entire career and life of Ishmael, though rebellious and of the wrong DNA, God blessed and prospered him. You get this revelation?

Mixed Spiritual DNAs

There is this phenomenon in the spirit about believers with mixed DNA---and who are nonetheless blessed by God. In fact, they seem more blessed at times than those with accurate spiritual DNAs. Just compare Ishmael with 12 sons as against Isaac with only two.

A believer, when improperly raised up (or becomes a spiritual orphan) is bound to have mixed DNA later.  The Word says believers like this "will never share in the inheritance of children born of the promise" (Gal.4). Ishmael got the DNA of both Abraham and Hagar, an Egyptian (Egypt was to be their land of slavery later, the land of their would-be enemy). To God, mixed DNAs are a no-no. Imagine having God's DNA and the enemy's DNA! It's all purely God's DNA or nothing.

Hagar symbolizes human effort. You cannot mix God's DNA with man's. The Galatian church thought they could start in the Spirit and end up with human effort. Paul called them "Foolish Galatians!" You cannot eat from both the tree of Life and the tree of man's knowledge. You get the curse with that! But this is what some denominational churches have been doing.

The key to God's inheritance is accuracy in having the God-DNA in Christ. This gives us the Jesus Life, Jesus Love, Jesus Power, Jesus character, and Jesus Ministry accurately.

Some are Spiritual Orphans

If you cannot point to someone as your spiritual father (or at least your discipler), then you are a spiritual orphan. Some point directly to Jesus or the Father as their faith father. That's good, but Scriptures also teach about having a human faith father or spiritual father or discipler. And this fathering principle is not optional. 

Spiritual fathers are those used by God in raising you up and feeding you now and till death. Once your spiritual father, always your spiritual father. He should live Jesus' LIFE and you must fully submit to him and obey God through him.  Paul was the spiritual father of many churches, like the Corinthian church.

We see how Elijah fathered Elisha, how Samuel fathered David, how Moses fathered Joshua, how Paul fathered Timothy, Titus, and the Corinthian church, among others. Jesus commanded as to "make disciples." Before you can disciple others, you should have been discipled by someone first. So who discipled you?

Fathering and discipleship is more than just having cell groups or bible studies with a leader. It is life impartation. It is DNA transfer. Someone must have raised you up from spiritual infancy to adulthood, one on one. And you should continue to be accountable to him or her personally, checking your spiritual condition regularly.

The father or discipler scolds, encourages, suggests, commands and counsels you on everything. Do you have someone in your life like that? A father in faith for life? It's vital. It's a key to your spiritual inheritance.

Isaac and Jacob

Jacob got his inheritance through human ingenuity and later suffered for it. He deceived Isaac and his brother Esau, but ended up running away and being a slave of Laban. Well, at least he understood the importance of inheritance somewhat.

But realize this: When Isaac released his blessings on Jacob, it could not be revoked, even if Esau who had the firstborn rights cried for it, begging. Spiritual DNA transfer is final. So be careful who you get it from. And once you miss that DNA transfer due to your lackadaisical attitude or carelessness or carefree attitude or lack of seriousness---you miss it for good! So make sure you pursue the Jesus in your discipler or faith father with all your might.

Those who do not have a faith father or discipler but merely attend churches or seminars or conferences or just attend church will end up with mixed DNAs, like Ishmael. Attending these gatherings is good, but make sure you have a simgle father in faith or discipler for life.

The good thing was that Jacob learned his lesson about relying on his own efforts to get his inheritance. He struggled with God and men and won so that later God gave him the name Israel. You see, in that struggle with God, Jacob refused to let go of God until he got the God-DNA that changed his life walk forever

One thing more: you have to win in your struggle against men so you don't get man's DNA in the end.

Jacob and His 12 Sons

God's blessings to Abraham flows through Isaac and Jacob. This stresses the principle of transferring spiritual DNA from God to a man of God and down to the last person in the DNA family line.

Thus, Israelites needed to trace their family lineage through one of Jacob's sons. Otherwise, God's inheritance would in no way get to them and their families. They could not share in the inheritance. The same mechanism works in our time; it's all about transfering the God-DNA through life impartation in a spiritual family line. Only those with God's pure spiritual DNA can access the inheritance---the same inheritance that Jesus has!
                                                                                                                                               - Article by Word DNA Saff

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